Also, the inactivation technique should be care- fully selected between, for example, conventional (pasteurization or sterilization), physical technol- ogies (ultrasound, UV, high pressures, or irradia- tion) or separation (centrifugation followed by op- tional filtration) techniques. In the final stage, the method of postbiotic sterilization and incorpora- tion into the final food product or dietary supple- ment should be selected, depending on the food matrix, either as a liquid or solid (Vera-Santander et al., 2022). In addition, the benefits of adding postbiotics to foods, go beyond their benefits to human health, helping to improve food safety. This includes the preservation of dairy, meat, vegetable, and bak- ery products, through the presence of antimicro- bial compounds such as organic acids and/or bac- teriocins, mostly derived from lactic acid bacteria (Vera-Santander et al., 2022). For food production, the most used postbiotics include metabolites of probiotic strains of Lac- tobacillus and Bifidobacterium , that are valued by the dairy industry because of EPS production, which help to control over the rheological charac-
teristics of fermented dairy products and lowers their moisture content (Behare et al., 2009). Also, postbiotics derived from Lactobacillus plantarum demonstrated efficacy as a bio-preservatives as they can extend the shelf life of soybeans (Rath- er et al., 2013). Another novel approach involves increasing vitamin B and decreasing toxic com- ponents during probiotic-induced fermentation (Thorakkattu et al., 2022). For pharmaceutical applications, many postbi- otics, despite promising results demonstrated in the experimental research, have not reached clinical trials yet. Some of the remarkable discov- eries in this area include biosurfactants produced by L. gasseri with antibiofilm capacity against methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA); as well as heat-stabilized L. acidophilus containing medica- tion called Lacteól Fort (Laboratoire du Lacteól du docteur Boucard, France), which was clinically effective in the treatment of acute diarrhoea and IBS by randomized controlled trials. Interestingly, incorporation of specific postbiotics, like those derived heat-killed Lactobacillus acidophilus LB and L. paracasei CBA L74 into infant formulas and fermented foods in early life, may help treat
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