Effect Size Statistics to Inform an Exploratory Analysis of…

Juniper Online Journal of Case Studies

23 08 .41. 76 ma ng dd3o2s e. 8s4 onfmcool l/l ma glefno l hl oywd ri no gl y isnagt ee ,s trieosnp eo cf t3i v0e. 8l y, . 1I5n3g .e8s tai nn dg over 153.8mg of collagen hydrolysate significantly increased the average concentrations of the free and peptide forms of hl i ymdirt owx yaps rnool itnree a icnh e dp l wa simt ha i. n gTehset i o hnyodfr oa xs ymp ruoclhi naes 3a8b4s o. 6rmp tgi oonf collagen hydrolysate per kg body weight. These finding suggest that ingestion of less than 30.8mg of collagen hydrolysate per body weight is not effective for health benefits. They also show that the dose is calculated taking account of body weight. Hence, doses may vary from one subject to another due to the variations of body weight. In this way, in order to maintain a ss iumb ji el acrt sd wo sheopreerc ke igv be do daydwa iel yi gdh ot sbee ot wf 1e 0e ng oa lf l sspuebcjief icct sf i, st hh ec o1l0l a0gkegn- peptides (Naticol ® ) should have received more than 10g/day compared to the ones who received 10g/day for a body weight eb qo ud iyv awl ee ni gthttow7a0skng o. Ht ee qr eu, i vt ha lee nd to sbee towf eceonl l aa gl lesnu hb yj edcrtos l ydsuaet et so pt he er huge body weight variations. However, all subjects received the minimum df oors eb eonf ecfoi tlsl a. gTehni shdy od sr eo l oy sf actoelsl argeepno rhtyeddr ob lyy sSahtiegse mi n ug reas teetd abl .y[ 2t h7e] st ou bdj ee cmt so nwsittrha tae vseirgyn hi fiigc ha nbt obdeynwe feiitgshat nwda sl anr eg ve er r bt heenleefsi st se ni no ut hg he active group. Conclusion This pilot clinical trial study, which consisted in a once daily treatment for 8 consecutive weeks, indicates that oral supplement specific fish collagen peptides have some interesting effects on knee osteoarthritis symptoms. The results demonstrated that daily oral doses of specific fish collagen peptides (Naticol ® ) in hr eedaul tchey psauibnj, e icmt sp wr oivt he qk un ae lei t yo s ot ef olai fret harni tdi s l ohwa se rt hbeo dpyo tfeunnt ci at il otno. Fmuorrteh earn ds t ua dhi ei gsh we ri tdho as ang ee xot ef npsrioodnu oc tf fdour rsaut ibojne cttos w1 2i twh eae kbso doyr weight greater than 70kg should be performed to confirm these preliminary results. Acknowledgments The study was funded by Weishardt International Group (France) which provided the fish collagen peptides (Naticol ® ) assessed in this study. References 1. B47u(c2k)w: a1l-t3e2r.JA, Martin J (1995) Degenerative joint disease. Clin Symp 2. Cr aodoipo eg rr aCp h(i2c 0k0n0e)e Ro si st ke ofaarctthorrist i sf o. Ar rtthher i ti inscRi dheenucme 4a n3 d( 5 )p: r9o9g 5r e- 1s s0i 0o 0n . o f 3. Zo shtoeuo aZrYt ,h rLiitui s YrKi s, kC:h ea n dHo sLe, Lrieus pFo(n2s0e1 4m)e Bt ao- da ny aml yas si ss. iOn db ee xs i tayn d( Ski lnveeer 4. S M p p e a r r r s i c n p h g e ) c L t 2 M i 2 v , e ( B 1 . B a 0 c a ) h : i l 2 m li 1 e e 8 r i e e 0 s r - 2 C C 1 l J i 8 n ( 5 1 R . 9 h9e7u)mEactoonlo1m1(ic4s):o8f 1o7s-t8eo3a4r. thritis: a global

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How to cite this article: Seán Lacey, Christelle Bonnet, Kelly Seamans, Andrea Doolan. Effect Size Statistics to Inform an Exploratory Analysis of a Double-Blinded, Randomised, Placebo Controlled Pilot Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Naticol ® , Specific Fish Collagen Peptides to Alleviate Symptoms of Osteoarthritis in the Knee . JOJ Case Stud. 2019; 10(2): 555783. DOI: 10.19080/JOJCS.2019.10.555783 0036

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