Effect Size Statistics to Inform an Exploratory Analysis of…

Juniper Online Journal of Case Studies

diagnosis. Forty eligible subjects were scheduled for an initial visit. The pilot study involved 2 visits over an 8-week period. At ot 7t h5e yi ne ai tri sa l ( vi ni sciltu, ssiuv be )j e; cHt sa dw edroec ui nmc leundt ee dd idf itahgenyo ws i se roe f: Ap rg iemd a3r 0y op sr ti oe ro at rot ht hr ei t ivsi s( iOt ;AH) aodf trhaed itoagrrgaept hki nc eeev imd eandceeaot f l eOaAs ti n1 2t hme ot inbtihos- foesmt eoorpahl yctoem apna dr t ma e nmt eoafs ut hr ea bt laer g jeoti nk tn esep wa ci et h, aa ts l edai sa tg n1 odseefdi n ibt ye sf et amnadl ae rsdu Xb -j er ac yt ss ; wHear de ea xKc leul dl gerde ei -f Ltahwe yr ewn ce er eg pr ar de ge n2a-n4t. , Pl aoct teant ti ni agl oa lrs ow iesxhcel du dt eodb ei fc ot hmeey :p rHeagdn avni st cdous ruipnpg l et hmee snttuadt iyo. nS ui bn j eacnt ys wj oei nr et it no c lt uh de i ni ng i ttihael tvai sr igte; t Hkande ec oonr cootmh ei tra nj ot i ni nt fwl aimt hmi na t6o rmy odnitshesa sper i oo rr os ut hpeprl ecmo ne nd ti tsi owni t ht hi na tt haef f pe cr et sv itohues j4o-iwn tese; kHs ;aHd atda ka edni s ae na ys e c/ai ll lcni ue sms that would preclude supplement ingestion and/or assessment oc of ms apf eotnyeannt sd ot fh tehset ut edsyt op br oj edcut ci vt e; Hs aa nd dl o/ sotr >h 5a d%aokf nt hoewi rn taoltlaelr bg yo dt oy weight in the last 3 months. The site, investigator, protocol, informed consent form and other pertinent documents for this study were approved by the CL ao nr kc aRset es re aHr cahl l ,E6t hLi ci tst lCeo mH amniot vt eeer oSft rt he ee tC, oCrokr kT.e Aa cl lh isnugb jHe oc tssp igt aa vl se, their written consent according to the Helsinki Declaration. Design and conduct of study Table 1: Naticol® values expressed in percentage of each amino acid reported to all amino acids and corresponding nutritional information. Glycine 20.9 Proline 12.6 Glutamic Acid 11.6 Hydroxyproline 10.5 Arginine 8.9 Alanine 8.3 Aspartic Acid 5.1 Lysine 3.5 Serine 3.5 Threonine 2.7 Leucine 2.6 Phenylalanine 2.3 Valine 2 Isoleucine 1.5 Hydroxylysine 1.5 Histidine 1.3 Methionine 0.8 Tyrosine 0.4 Cysteine + Cystine 0.03 Total 100

Introduction Osteoarthritis (OA) results from an imbalance of anabolism ab ni odl ocgai ct aabl oal insdm mi ne ct hh ae n jioc ianl t , e nwvhi ircohn mmeanyt . b eE xicnef sl us ievnec efdo rbc ey s t hi ne specific regions of the joint surfaces and alterations in tissue responses, leading to the development of osteoarthritis are aolvseor wexeaicgehrtboart eadj owi ni tthdai sbonrodremr a[ 1l -l o3a] .d i n g o f t h e k n e e j o i n t d u e t o Today, the total cost of osteoarthritis has been estimated to be between 1% and 2.5% of the total gross domestic product in western countries [4]. In Europe, over 100 million people have arthritis, and in the United States, the direct costs of arthritis wi n ec rr ee a$s5e1s ,. 1o sbtiel loi oa rnt hi nr i 2t i0s 0r 4e p[r5e]s. eAnst st haemnauj mo rbeecro on fo eml di ce br luyr pd ee on pol ne tl ihf ee wh ei tahl ti nh tchaer ep os yp sutleamt i os nasn. dF oi sr ian ss et ar ni ocue s, i tnh trhe ea tUtKo i tnh 2e 0q1u0a, l ti thye roef wf o er rpea4t i. e7 nmt si lol ivoenr d4 o5cyt eo ar rasp. pI tohi na st mb ee ennt spdr ue de itcot ekdn teheaot st thei os anrut hmrbi tei sr will increase to 6.7 million by 2051 [6]. This pilot study was designed to assess the tolerability and efficacy of oral doses of fish collagen peptides (Naticol ® , 10g/day) in volunteers with knee osteoarthritis. The collagen hydrolysates or peptides (Naticol ® ) which were the object of tchoil sl aegfef ni c a(cgye lsat tui dn y) ws ueirtea bpl reo df ourc t su sdee riinv e hd ufmr oamn ffios ho dh. y Pd rr eovl yi os euds clinical studies aimed at assessing the effects of oral intakes of fish collagen peptides, Naticol ® , on skin firmness and hydration, and the decrease of wrinkles were conducted using different dosages ([ 71 ]0 ag n/ dd aSyi;b5i lgl a/ de at ya;l .2[,85]g c/odna fyi)r m[ 7e, 8d ]p. Tr ehcel i rnei cs au ll tasnfdr ocml i nDi cuatlehi luemt aanl . tcroi lal al sg ei nn vpeespt itgi da et isntgh at th he a ve ef f ei nc dt si c aotf e do rtahle spuops ps ilbe iml i teyn tt ha taito dn i ewt ai rt hy ce ot ma l .p[o9u] nrde sp ocratne dmt oh da tu il na tpe i gs ks ian 9f-uwnecet iko on r. aFloi rn geexsatmi opnl eo,f Mc oal tl as ug edna he ny dh raonlcyesda tfeosr m( Ca tHi o) n i onfdcuoclel adg ei nn cf ri be raisl es di n ftihber odbelrams ti s di ne na spi tryo t ea innd- shpy edcriof li yc s ma t ae ns ni ne rj. oLi ni ttesr aa tsutrhee ya las roe i anbdsi coar tbeesd ,bde inset rf iitbsu ot ef dc tool l aj ogiennt t[i1s0s-u1e4s].and have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties The aim of the study was to determine the effect of 8 weeks’ supplementation of Naticol ® , Fish collagen peptides on change iAns sWe sOsMmAe Cn t s(cSoFr-e3s6; vQ2u qa ul i et ys t oi of nLni faei r, eu)s ianngd tPh he yPs iacrat li cpi pe ra fnotr mG laonbcael using the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), along with saudpveprosretienvgetnhtes.safety of the product by recording any reported Participants and Methods Participants Subjects underwent an initial phone screen and were asked questions regarding their age, general health and osteoarthritis

How to cite this article: Seán Lacey, Christelle Bonnet, Kelly Seamans, Andrea Doolan. Effect Size Statistics to Inform an Exploratory Analysis of a Double-Blinded, Randomised, Placebo Controlled Pilot Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Naticol ® , Specific Fish Collagen Peptides to Alleviate Symptoms of Osteoarthritis in the Knee . JOJ Case Stud. 2019; 10(2): 555783. DOI: 10.19080/JOJCS.2019.10.555783 0031

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