Consumer research services

Consumer Research Service Process

Overall, our service process flow is designed to provide a comprehensive and customized approach to consumer research within clinical trials, with a focus on delivering actionable insights and recommendations.

Participant Recruitment & Survey Administration

Data collection & Analysis

Survey Design

Report & Outreach

Overall, consumer research analysis can help researchers to design and conduct clinical trials that are more participant-centered and more likely to produce meaningful results. • Obtain data to respond to multiple business questions: a clinical trial can help sponsors to differenciate which products are effective or not. Including consumer research data can provide company stakeholders a 360 view of a product strategy and its fit to market needs. • Explain variability of the results: sponsors can understand possible differences in participant compliance and perceived product effectiveness adding the behavioural component to their analysis. • Find your target audience: Sponsors can identify their target market audience, from a eficacy but also from a preference perspective. • More relevant outcomes: sponsors can design products that really matter to their target audience, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. • Enhanced customer experience: sponsors can identify areas where the customer experience can be improved, such as improving communications or optimising delivery methods. Benefits: why should you do consumer research along your clinical program?

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