Gut-heart axis opportunity revealed....

A. Rehman et al.

The Journal of Nutrition xxx (xxxx) xxx

FIGURE 3. Effects of 4 wk of supplementation of Fruit fl ow or placebo (maltodextrin) on gut microbiota composition in overweight and obese adults. Data represent a volcano plot of differential abundant OTUs between groups at (A) species level and (B) genus level and within groups at species level in (C) the Fruit fl ow and (D) the placebo group. The X-axis position of each point represents effect size differences at the end of the intervention. The horizontal line represents the unadjusted p-value cut-off at 0.05. Points above the effect size cut-off (0.20) and p-value cut-off are color-coded and annotated with text. Black dots represent non-signi fi cant taxa; green dots represent taxa above the effect size cut-off; blue dots represent taxa above p-value cut-off; Red dots represent taxa above effect size and p-value cut-off. N ¼ 22.

FIGURE 4. Effects of 4 wk of supplementation of Fruit fl ow or placebo (maltodextrin) on metabolomic pro fi ling in overweight and obese adults. Untargeted metabolomics showing (A) PLS-DA 2D plot of the multivariate analysis of plasma samples collected after Fruit fl ow interventions and control samples (R2 ¼ 0.432, Q2 ¼ -0.766) and (B) the 15 most bins driving the discrimination between Fruit fl ow and control samples.


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