Rubus idaeus extract improves symptoms in knee osteoarthrit…

Henrotin et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

(2022) 23:650

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Ethics approval and consent to participate The study protocol was approved by the Central Ethics Committee of The University College Cork, Irland (namely Clinical Research Ethics Committee), agreement number: ECM 4 (I) 07/02/17. The study participants signed written informed consents before participation in the study. Consent for publication An informed consent to published results has been obtained from all participants. Competing interests YH received consulting fees from Naturex and is the founder and president of Artialis SA. RT from Atlanstats and JMG supported statistical analysis. RLC and PB are employees of Naturex. GDG and AD are employees of Atlantia. MCS has no disclosed conflicts of interest. Author details 1 musculoSKeletal Innovative Research Lab (mSKIL), The Center for Interdis‑ ciplinary Research On Medicines (CIRM), Department of Motricity Center, Institute of Pathology, University of Liège, CHU Sart-Tilman, level 5, 4000 Liège, Belgium. 2 Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Princess Paola Hospital, Vivalia, Marche‑en‑Famenne, Belgium. 3 Artialis SA, GIGA Tower, CHU Sart-Tilman, Avenue de l’hôpital, 4000 Liège, Belgium. 4 Naturex SA, Avignon, France. 5 Atlanstat SA, Les Espaces Océane, 3, rue Jules Verne, 44400 Rezé, France. 6 BIOSCAR Inserm U1132 and Department of Rheumatology, Université de Paris, Hôpital 10 Lariboisière, 75010 Paris, France. 7 Atlantia Clinical Trials, Heron House Offices, Blackpool T23 R50R, Cork, Ireland. 8 Department of Statis‑ tics, Rouen University, Rouen, France.

Received: 23 February 2022 Accepted: 30 June 2022

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