Intake of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum HEAL9 Improves Cogn…

Nutrients 2023 , 15 , x FOR PEER REVIEW

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9of 16 total of 70% of the subjects had an accuracy above 90% at baseline, and after 12 weeks all subjects in both groups had an accuracy above 90% (NS di ff erence).

Nutrients 2023 , 15 , 3466

Figure 3. Word recall test, mean change (SEM) from baseline to week 12 in accuracy (%). Within- group di ff erences compared to baseline ** p < 0.01 (Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test) and between-group di ff erences *** p < 0.001 (mixed two-way between–within groups ANOVA). A tt ention and vigilance were studied using the rapid visual information processing test (RVIP), where the subjects had to indicate when three odd or even numbers appeared in a row from the numbers appearing in quick succession on the screen. Also, in this test, intake of LPHEAL9 was seen to cause a greater reduction in reaction time compared to placebo ( p = 0.051 in ITT and 0.039 in PP). There was no di ff erence in accuracy between the groups, but it increased signi fi cantly from about 33% at baseline to 41% and 43% in the LPHEAL9 group and placebo group, respectively, at week 12. In the paired associate learning test (PAL), the total and mean errors to success were evaluated. Following 12 weeks of LPHEAL9 treatment, the total errors decreased signi fi - cantly compared to baseline for both the ITT ( p = 0.031) and PP populations ( p = 0.028), while the total errors did not change signi fi cantly over time in the placebo group (Figure 4A). However, the between-group di ff erences were not signi fi cant ( p = 0.113 in ITT and p = 0.068 in PP). The mean errors to success decreased signi fi cantly, with − 0.92 for the LPHEAL9 group ( p = 0.031) compared to a non-signi fi cant increase of 0.44 for the placebo group (Figure 4B). The di ff erence between the LPHEAL9 and placebo groups was signif- icant for both the ITT ( p = 0.048) and PP population ( p = 0.045). Working and spatial memory were tested using the numeric working memory test (NMW). Intake of LPHEAL9 reduced the reaction time from baseline to week 12 compared to intake of placebo ( p = 0.081 in ITT and p = 0.049 in PP, Mann–Whitney U test). A total of 70% of the subjects had an accuracy above 90% at baseline, and after 12 weeks all subjects in both groups had an accuracy above 90% (NS difference). Attention and vigilance were studied using the rapid visual information processing test (RVIP), where the subjects had to indicate when three odd or even numbers appeared in a row from the numbers appearing in quick succession on the screen. Also, in this test, intake of LPHEAL9 was seen to cause a greater reduction in reaction time compared to placebo ( p = 0.051 in ITT and 0.039 in PP). There was no difference in accuracy between the groups, but it increased significantly from about 33% at baseline to 41% and 43% in the LPHEAL9 group and placebo group, respectively, at week 12. In the paired associate learning test (PAL), the total and mean errors to success were evaluated. Following 12 weeks of LPHEAL9 treatment, the total errors decreased signifi- cantly compared to baseline for both the ITT ( p = 0.031) and PP populations ( p = 0.028), while the total errors did not change significantly over time in the placebo group (Figure 4A). However, the between-group differences were not significant ( p = 0.113 in ITT and p =0.068 in PP). The mean errors to success decreased significantly, with − 0.92 for the LPHEAL9 group ( p = 0.031) compared to a non-significant increase of 0.44 for the placebo group (Figure 4B). The difference between the LPHEAL9 and placebo groups was significant for both the ITT ( p = 0.048) and PP population ( p =0.045). Figure 3. Word recall test, mean change (SEM) from baseline to week 12 in accuracy (%). Within- group differences compared to baseline ** p < 0.01 (Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test) and between-group differences *** p < 0.001 (mixed two-way between–within groups ANOVA).

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